Meal Prep- the Levana Nourishments way As defined by, “Meal prep is the weekly preparation of meals for a period of time usually longer than 2 days. An example would be […]
Leftovers: Reduce, Reuse, Recast! It’s time to turn your leftovers into a wholesome meal. Maybe your kids are picky eaters and you are struggling to come up with imaginative new […]
Healthy hot drinks: It is not just the blizzard raging outside that prompts me to share my healthy hot drinks creations, or the fact that we are all practically stranded […]
Stick to your New Year’s Resolutions New Year’s Resolutions: what’s on your list? The start of a new year often calls for people to pause and reflect on the past […]
Frigid temperatures call for hearty winter soup recipes Hearty winter soup recipes: who could say no to this cold weather staple during these frigid days? The weather outside is frightful, […]