Questions and Answers

The great news is, no, our product is not only for sick people!

Many elderly people are not sick in the strict sense of the term. While they may not have a defined condition or diagnosis, they may be frail with little appetite. It is often an imposition for them to hunker down and cook a whole meal. The same can be said for post-op patients and post-delivery mothers. One or two Levana™ Nourishmentss taken daily can enrich their diet and help them feel stronger.

Also, many children are fussy eaters and refuse to eat vegetables, seeds or grains necessary to a healthy diet. As soon as they spot a piece of broccoli or carrot, all bets are off! Levana™ Nourishments can add nutritional value to their pasta, pancakes or smoothies. Since it has neutral flavor, texture and color, it will be undetected in their favorite dishes. This could mean the end of those pesky dinner wars! Instead, your child will be well-fed with more energy to function at home and in school.

Lastly, many of us have busy days and sometimes it’s difficult to set aside time to pack a homemade meal, go to a restaurant or even order in. Long office hours, hard deadlines, back-to-back meetings, mediocre food in your office cafeteria and constantly being on the road all can contribute to neglecting a healthy diet. Many commercial “energy” bars are often more like candy bars masquerading as health foods. To make sure you always have a complete and balanced meal, made with only all-natural ingredients and no chemicals or added sugars, always keep your favorite Levana™ Meal replacement flavor handy!

Our formulas are nutrition-packed and can easily stand on their own as a meal (the three sweet flavors mixed up with a cold liquid and the savory ones made into soup)—but we have seen many people use them creatively—for instance, using vanilla as a smoothie base with added fruit, mixed into yogurt or stirred into batter when you’re baking.  The soups lend themselves to additions like pasta or rice and can be thrown into a sauce or casserole, too.  We have lots of serving suggestions for you and welcome your additions if you’ve found new ways to use them.

We have sourced familiar, plant-based ingredients in their purest form for all of our five recipes. There are no artificial colors or preservatives.  You can read the ingredient list and nutrition information for each one right here.

Levana™ Nourishmentss’ five different flavors each look a little different because they have different ingredients. They are all-natural, high quality ingredients finely ground into powders that reconstitute as you prepare them according to package instructions.

If you’re at home and you’ve got a blender…use it for our cold mixes for sure. If you’re on the go, our Blender Bottle will be your friend, breaking up the powder and dispersing the goodness.

Our savory blends are cooked briefly on a stove-top (or microwave oven in a pinch), so they do not need a blender.

Levana™ Nourishments is much more than a protein powder.  We’ve created a complete nutrition profile including fiber, carbohydrates, protein and a wide array of nutrients.  Your body (especially one that is healing) needs all of these benefits—NOT just protein. More Information

Levana™ Nourishments is designed to supplement your healthy diet and can be customized to help meet your nutritional goals.  Levana™ Nourishments is not a substitute for any medicine or treatment prescribed by a doctor. We encourage you to discuss your nutrition with your doctor or dietitian to make sure you are meeting your personal nutritional needs.

Levana™ Nourishments is designed to supplement your healthy diet and can be customized to help meet your nutritional goals, whether that’s weight gain or weight loss. We encourage you to discuss your nutrition with your doctor or dietitian to make sure you are meeting your personal nutritional needs.

Yes, and with only all-natural ingredients – no chemicals or added sugars! We have worked hard to provide outstanding levels of vitamins and minerals that all comes from healthy, pure plant-based foods. Check out our labels!

Levana™ Nourishments is an all-natural alternative designed to supplement your healthy diet and can be customized to help meet your nutritional goals.  Levana™ Nourishments is not a substitute for any medicine or treatment prescribed by a doctor.  We encourage you to discuss your nutrition with your own doctor or dietitian to make sure that you are doing what is best for your health.

Levana™ Nourishments is an all-natural alternative designed to supplement your healthy diet and can be customized to help meet your nutritional goals. Levana™ Nourishments is not a substitute for any medicine or treatment prescribed by a doctor. If you have diabetes, please check with your doctor or nutritionist about whether Levana™ Nourishments is a good option for you.

Right now you can purchase Levana™ Nourishments right here on our website. We are exploring options to more broadly distribute Levana™ Nourishments and have not ruled out in-store availability. We are happy to talk to any retailers or distributors who may be interested in taking on our line for resale. As new purchasing channels become available, we will notify customers here and via email.

Many of our ingredients are organic. The truth is, in our search for the best all-natural ingredients, we learned that just because something says it’s organic does not mean it’s all-natural or even good for you. Many organic foods have unwelcome additives and may have been grown using certain synthetic pesticides deemed organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We most focused on sourcing certified all-natural ingredients, meaning they have not been processed beyond the natural step of drying and grinding them… no additives, no carriers.


There are no nuts in any of our five flavors.  However, we have been informed by some of our ingredient suppliers that they cannot absolutely guarantee that their supplies were only produced on equipment that never was used for nuts.  So even though we do not have nuts, we have chosen to take a very cautious approach and not put a Nut-Free claim on our products.

All of our LMR nutrition labels reflect ONLY what is inside the individual pouch.  When you add it to liquid, you add in the calories from that liquid.  For example you add approximately 100 calories for 8 ounces of 1% milk all the way to 540 calories for coconut milk!  Our soups are also enhanced with olive oil–at 119 calories for just a tablespoon, its an easy way to get healthy fat and calories.

Our sealed pouches are moisture-free and have a shelf-life of six months.  Store in a cool, dry place.  (Refrigerator is okay but not necessary!)

The Best By” date on the pouch indicates when it will be of best flavor or quality. It is not a purchase or safety date. However, once you open a pouch, please use the entire contents at the same time.

Many of the ingredients in Levana Nourishments pouches are air-dried. Some are dehydrated and a few, like coffee, are freeze-dried. According to Jessica Leving, MS and RDN,  “Drying is a great option for extending shelf-life without significantly affecting the nutrient profile of a food. While freeze-drying can reduce certain vitamins such as C, E, A, and some B vitamins; fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are cardioprotective, all remain intact.”

At this time, we have not yet tested LMR to be used for tube feeding.  We recommend consulting with your doctor or dietitian before using LMR for tube feeding.