
Born and raised in the port city of Casablanca, I had no fish aversions whatsoever to overcome. Au contraire! I grew up eating fish almost every day, prepared in every way imaginable, even for breakfast. I intend to make a fish lover out of you, as I have done for hundreds of guests, students, and customers.

Fish has so much to offer from its nutrient profile, I implore you to try to incorporate it into your meals. Don’t let the preparation intimidate you, fish can be very simple as you will find in these recipes.

Levana Nourishments recipes have all been adapted from the tried and true recipes I have developed throughout my career for my cookbooks and my original website, Levana Cooks, so that everyone can enjoy them!  Unfortunately, cooked fish does not freeze well, so for these recipes I limited the serving size to 4.

Please keep in mind that Levana Nourishments contains moderate amounts of sea salt, so when making the following recipes you might want to decrease the amount you would normally use.

These recipes were extremely easy to adapt without sacrificing taste because it’s all in the pouch!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please post and share!