Recipe Category Archives: Cocoa Coffee Levana Meal Replacement

Natural Chocolate Frosting Recipe

Adapted from Levana Cooks, using Cocoa Coffee Levana Nourishments

chocolate frosting

Chocolate Frosting: Who doesn’t love it?

I have very recently perfected my Natural Chocolate frosting when I developed My Almond Apricot Chocolate Chip Torte, showcasing Chana Shusterman’s new and delicious brand California Gourmet Vegan Chocolate Chips. In addition to being suitable for Passover, it gets us health-minded bakers right up to the Holy Grail: An all-natural chocolate frosting, easy, dairy-free, gluten-free, low maintenance and above all fantastic.

I know you will think I lost it when I share my chocolate frosting secret, something I have been experimenting with for quite some time:

My Chocolate Frosting secret: Potato Flakes.

All-Natural 100% pure potato flakes. Ingredients: Dehydrated Potatoes. Period. Making dessert with potato flakes, hello? I know what you’re thinking: I’m a crazy old hippie. But here’s the thing: It’s funky, but IT WORKS!

I remembered the wonderful tricks we used during the photo shoots for my cookbooks.

My son in law, talented photographer Meir Pliskin, and Hannah Kaminsky, no less talented food stylist and Vegan  Cookbook Author.  Potato flakes were our best friend: All we needed to do with a recalcitrant food composition was mix equal parts potato flakes and boiling water, and mix thoroughly with a fork until the mixture got smooth, fluffy and creamy.  Pretty soon the mixture would get totally stiff, would mix with anything we  wanted to fold in (spinach for green,  tomato  paste for red and so on), and obediently hold its shape, and look perfect at photo shoot  time. I could pretend it was a fish or a vegetable or a meat terrine.

Recently I decided to see if my potato flake photo racket would work in scenarios where the mixture would in fact get eaten. I observed it was totally bland and therefore totally unobtrusive, more to the point, it had a totally undetectable flavor, and absorbed any flavor it was paired with, even while it held its shape beautifully. In short, my potato flake mixture became my blank canvass, waiting to be painted on. I tried a dozen combinations with ingredient amounts, and my last try was a triumph: a delicious and glossy chocolate frosting that contains nothing but the best, and won’t drive you crazy at decorating time or at serving time.

This chocolate frosting is just the beginning

I will take my discovery places and try using potato flakes with many other exciting combos (frostings, fillings, with chocolate, fruit, nuts etc…). I am delighted with my results, and so is everyone big and small I gave a taste to (my granddaughter licked her chops).

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Oat Coconut Chocolate Tart Recipe

Adapted from Levana Cooks, using Cocoa Coffee Levana Nourishments

oat coconut chocolate tart

My newborn Oat Coconut Chocolate Tart is a rustic new-age version of its nutty once-removed cousin, the beloved Linzertorte. My Chocolate Tart has no nuts, but its texture is very reminiscent of Linzertorte, a great boon for those nut-intolerant people who want their Linzertorte and eat it too.

Having said that, if a nutty chocolate tart is what you prefer, no problem substituting almond flour for the old fashioned oats (just to be clear: In this case you would use 1 2/3 cups almond flour, and 1 2/3 cups oat flour) and proceed with the recipe just as instructed.

It is also worth noting that my Chocolate Tart is made with rolled oats and oat flour, making it naturally gluten-free, no substitutions needed. Plus I’m an Oat Nut: Take a look at my Chocolate Pots de Creme!

I have matched some of my great flavor favorites in this delicious  Oat Coconut Chocolate Tart: coconut, apricot jam, chocolate and oats. It tastes as wonderful as it looks.

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Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Adapted from Levana Cooks, using Cocoa Coffee Levana Nourishments

chocolate dipped strawberries

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries is hardly a recipe:

Just a wonderful gift from yourself to yourself and a few dear friends, deliverable at the drop of a hat.

Luxurious, and gluten-free without even trying.

Everyone loves chocolate dipped strawberries on Passover too. I make them right on the spot and get lots of excited diners.
I recently served them at a dinner my granddaughter Chaya Rachel was at, a special treat to her who loves both chocolate and strawberries, but goes crazy for the combo. I gave each of us a tiny bowl of the chocolate sauce, passed the strawberries and the tiny skewers to pick them up with, and watched her smack her chocolate-smudged lips delightedly as she ate. I said to her, “Bubbie and Chaya Rachel are being bad girls”. She responded, “Bubbie, don’t show me how to be a bad girl!”
Grab a box of gorgeous strawberries on your way home:
For an extra-special occasion, the majestic long-stem ones will create more drama.

Why stop at chocolate dipped strawberries?

There is a lot of exciting stuff you can dip in the chocolate mixture; to name just a few: Orange segments, pineapple chunks, banana segments (make these only if you are serving immediately: peeled bananas are perishable), unsalted pretzel sticks, marshmallows. Have fun dipping!

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Tehina Chocolate Spread

Adapted from Levana Cooks, using Cocoa Coffee Levana Nourishments

tehina chocolate spread

In this amazing Tehina Chocolate Spread, sesame paste, or Tehina, costars beautifully with chocolate. Sort of a new age Nutella, only much less sweet and much healthier!

There’s nothing you would do with Nutella that you couldn’t do with my Tehina Chocolate Spread!

Tehina often plays second fiddle to other, more muscular ingredients,  hummus being the most ubiquitous, followed by sauces and dips. Actually it is the main ingredient in Chalva, but most commercial Chalva errs hopelessly on the sweet side (not so my Quick Chalva, loosely inspired from its cloying  counterpart, and nutritionally correct), so it hardly counts except as a guilty splurge.

Here I am using poetic license with Tehina,  sesame seed paste, and using it here just as I would use a nut butter.

Tehina co-stars on equal terms with the mighty chocolate, and stands up to it fearlessly, elevating the humble paste beyond its wildest dreams in terms of flavor and texture.  Nutella was the dessert comfort food of my expat student years ages ago, so of course I think of it very fondly, but I never buy it as it is loaded with sugar. So I make my own spread, and please forgive this bit of swagger: My Tehina Chocolate Spread blows Nutella and other chocolate nut butter spreads out of the water. Super Delicious, Super Nutritious and Super Natural, it gets whipped up in a couple minutes.  So healthy you could even use it for breakfast! One more thing: It is Super versatile, and you can take it places, as you will see below: Scroll down for all variations.

The amount of sweetener I use in my Tehina Chocolate Spread is very reasonable:

Way below the amount used in commercial spreads, naturally and deliciously augmenting the ratio of Tehina and chocolate per serving. Attention sugar-restricted friends: You’ll love to hear that you can even make it without sugar or other sweetener altogether, using Stevia or Truvia instead of the agave used here, or even a dozen plump pitted medjool dates.
Please do not use honey in this tehina chocolate spread recipe, as it adds a very good but unwelcome layer of flavor in the spread; stick with the perfectly neutral-tasting agave syrup. Likewise, do not substitute anything for the coconut milk, and use the full-fat kind, it is responsible for the amazing creaminess of the spread.
This is a nice large recipe,  and will yield you about 2 pints. It won’t last you too long: it’s that good! Here’s a perfect way to satisfy your craving, the superfoods, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, natural and delicious way. What more could you possibly ask for? You’re welcome!


Chocolate Hazelnut Butter: Substitute 3 cups toasted hazelnuts for the Tehina, but process them thoroughly in a food processor before adding the remaining ingredients. You might want to use other toasted nuts as well: Peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, pecans, even roasted chestnuts (even though it’s not a nut).  Proceed just as instructed here.

Cake Topping: Add 2-3 tablespoons rum or brandy to the mixture, and use it as top layer to ice cream cake (the rum will prevent it from freezing solid). Likewise, use it as topping or filling to any cake, like a ganache. Spread while it is is still liquid, before it firms up, so it will spread easily.

Tart Filling, Truffles: Add some chopped toasted nuts, or toasted sesame seeds, or grated unsweetened coconut, and a little coconut milk to thin the mixture, and use as a filling for a tart (bake the crust all by itself, then fill it and chill).  Or shape the mixture into little balls, and roll in cocoa powder or grated coconut.

Bars: You could also combine the mixture with 3 cups Granola or Rice Crispies, pat the whole mixture firmly into a pan, chill, then cut into squares or bars.

Dip: Slather on apple, pear or banana slices, or on berries.

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Banana Chocolate Chip Cake Recipe

Adapted from Levana Cooks, using Cocoa Coffee Levana Nourishments

banana chocolate chip cake

Children adore this recipe, and of course so will you.

Bananas got too ripe? Don’t even think of chucking them! Make a banana chocolate chip cake!

You will find they make the greatest smoothies, muffins and cakes, their flavor reaching their sweetest and most intense peak! The riper the better: freeze them, and when ready to use run them under warm water, the peel will come right off.

Gluten-free Banana Chocolate Chip Cake: Use any GF flour, and add 1 teaspoon xantham gum to the batter; bake in an 11 x 14 inch pan or in 2 dozen muffin molds (about 45 minutes baking time).

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