Nourishing Meals for the Sick Done Right

meals for the sick

Meals for the sick done right: preparing nourishing foods

Hospital food is hideous, sorry. Hard to believe this is the best the medical establishment powers that be keep whipping up for people who are literally fighting for their lives. In a dreary place where time passes like thick molasses and the meals are meant to be the highlights of the day, those chemical soup powders, potato breads, margarine patties, and neon-colored sugared water succeed only in ruining the day some more. Most patients shuffle the food around in their trays dejectedly, before hospital personnel comes around yet again, jaded and indifferent, and wheels the tray out of its misery.

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4 Responses to Nourishing Meals for the Sick Done Right

  1. Anita June 22, 2018 at 4:57 am #

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    • levana July 18, 2018 at 9:57 am #

      Thank you so much Tanvi!